Recent Assignments & Reports

End of project evaluation of four inclusive eye health projects in Togo, Cote d'Ivoire, Zimbabwe and Zambia. For CBM Christoffel Blind Mission e.V. and German Federal Ministry for Economic Development (October, 2021).

Document on request

Feasibility study & facilitation project proposal write-up: Strengthening Health Service delivery and Health system strengthening for Somali Region, Ethiopia. For humedica e.V. and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (May, 2021).

Document on request

Feasibility study for project to improve continuum of care for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and improvement of civil registration at health facility level in Malawi. The evaluation was commissioned by Gemeinschaft Sant’ Egidio e.V. / BMZ (Germany) and conducted in June, 2021

Document on request

End-of Project Evaluation of the health and Humanitarian project in the refugee camps of Melkadida and Dollo Region, Ethiopia. The evaluation was commissioned by Humedica/GIZ (Germany) and conducted in December, 2020

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End-of-Project Evaluation report of the health project of the Archdiocese of Monrovia, Liberia. The evaluation was commissioned by Misereor/GIZ (Germany) and conducted in September 2019.

Document on request

End-of-Project Evaluation report of the health project of the Catholic Diocese of Torit, South Sudan. The evaluation was commissioned by Misereor/GIZ  (Germany) and conducted in October 2018.

Document on request

From 2016 to 2018, the consultant provided 19 short-term missions to assist the Ministry of Health Malawi and the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM). The purpose of the assignment was to provide support and guidance on the implementation of the MOH-CHAM Public-Private-Partnership as well as support to improve UHC through strategic purchasing of essential health services. Specific objectives of the assignment were to support consolidation, expansion and improvement a performance-based-financing program (PBF), to strengthen management capacity of CHAM Secretariat and to de-centralised management of the PBF program at health facility level. Finally, the assignment assisted in the development of a performance contract between CHAM and MOH. A process approach was applied with respect to organisational strengthening and capacity building. The support was demand-driven and result-oriented taking circumstantial challenges and opportunities into consideration. Overall, the assignment contributed to invigorate PBF program reliability and execution, enhance organisational readiness and capacity of CHAM to execute the PBF program and strengthen relationships and collaboration between the MOH and CHAM.

End Of Technical Assistance Report Malawi August 2018
PDF – 297,2 KB 931 downloads

SLA Introductory Guideline 2016 Final July 2016
PDF – 844,9 KB 979 downloads

Revised SLA Contract Template FY 2018 2019 FINAL
PDF – 774,0 KB 886 downloads

SLA Monthly Invoice And Progress Report FY 2018 2019 FINAL FINAL
Excel – 82,7 KB 922 downloads

Learning Series Improving Access To Basic Health Care For The Poor 05022018
PDF – 247,3 KB 957 downloads

Mid-term evaluation report of the health project of the Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas, Liberia. The evaluation was commissioned by Misereor/GIZ (Germany) and conducted in May 2017.

Document on request

End-of-Project evaluation of a primary eye care project ‘Beyond the Darkness’ implemented by the Tanzania Society of the Blind (TSB) in Dar-es-Salaam, Morogoro and Dodoma Regions in Tanzania, funded by Light for the World-Belgium (2016).

Document on request

For complete overview of all assignments: kindly refer to CV.

Pictures while on assignment in Tanzania, South Sudan, Liberia, Ethiopia and Malawi.